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Wellness Engineering Program

The core of the Wellness Engineering Program is to promote flourishing human beings, drawing upon our human capacity to wisely and compassionately actualize individual and collective well-being. It is promoting a scientific and an innovative way of living that its aligned with the development of our hearts, our minds, our physical bodies and ultimately our consciousness. This process opens one for more life force, efficiency, and ability to think and resolve problems outside the box. It also creates a space within us and the world of more peace, harmony and ultimately genuine happiness.

This is a unique transformative experience, integrating Western and Eastern theory & contemplative practices to bring a rich and in-depth understanding of our emotional lives and to develop a better mental, physical & emotional balance. This process takes you from traditional hatha yoga to breathwork releasing chronic tension and emotional blockages. The process reduces stress, prevents burnout & promotes a sense of wellbeing, thus, gaining deeper self- awareness and unlocking out human potential and creativity.